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Internationale Schuhgröße - YYW

1.Damen Internationale Schuh Größe Conversion Chart

Zentimeter Zoll USA/Kanada Großbritannien Euro Australien/NZ Japan China Mexiko Korea Modopoint
22.8 9 5 35 21 35.5 - 228 228
23.1 9⅛ 3 35½ 4 21.5 36 - 231 231
23.5 6 36 22 37 - 235 235
23.8 9⅜ 4 37 5 22.5 37.5 - 238 238
24.1 7 37½ 23 38 - 241 241
24.5 9⅝ 5 38 6 23.5 39 4.5 245 245
24.8 8 38½ 24 39.5 5 248 248
25.1 9⅞ 6 39 7 24.5 40 5.5 251 251
25.4 10 9 40 25 41 6 254 254
25.7 10⅛ 7 41 8 25.5 41.5 6.5 257 257
26 10¼ 10 42 26 42 7 260 260
26.7 10½ 10½ 8 43 9 27 43 7.5 267 267
27.3 10¾ 12 44 10½ 28 44.5 9 273 273
27.9 11 13 10½ 45 11½ 29 46 10 279 279
28.6 11¼ 14 11½ 46½ 12½ 30 47 11 286 286
29.2 11½ 15½ 13 48½ 14 31 48 12.5 292 292

2.Herren International Shoe Size Conversion Chart

Zentimeter Zoll USA/Kanada Großbritannien Euro Australien/NZ Japan China Mexiko Korea Modopoint
22.8 9 3 35 3 21.5 35 - 228 228
23.1 9⅛ 4 35½ 22 36 - 231 231
23.5 4 36 4 22.5 37 - 235 235
23.8 9⅜ 5 37 23 38 4.5 238 238
24.1 5 37½ 5 23.5 39 5 241 241
24.5 9⅝ 6 38 24 39.5 5.5 245 245
24.8 6 38½ 6 24.5 40 6 248 248
25.1 9⅞ 7 39 25 41 6.5 251 251
25.4 10 7 40 7 25.5 - 7 254 254
25.7 10⅛ 8 41 26 42 7.5 257 257
26 10¼ 8 42 8 26.5 43 9 260 260
26.3 10⅜ 9 43 27 43.5 - 263 263
26.7 10½ 9 43½ 9 27.5 44 10 267 267
27 10⅝ 10 44 28 44.5 - 270 270
27.3 10¾ 10½ 10 44½ 10 28.5 45 11 273 273
27.6 10⅞ 11 10½ 45 10½ 29 46 - 276 276
27.9 11 11½ 11 45½ 11 29.5 - 12.5 279 279
28.3 11⅛ 12 11½ 46 11½ 30 47 - 283 283
28.6 11¼ 12½ 12 46½ 12 30.5 47.5 - 286 286
28.9 11⅜ 13 12½ 47 12½ 31 48 - 289 289
29.2 11½ 13½ 13 47½ 13 31.5 - - 292 292

3.Infantes/Kid es International Shoe Size Conversion Chart

Zentimeter Zoll USA/Kanada Großbritannien Euro Australien/NZ
8.3 ½ 0 15½ 0
8.9 1 ½ 16 ½
9.2 3⅝ 1 16½ 1
9.5 2 1 17 1
10.2 4 17½
10.5 4⅛ 3 2 18 2
10.8 18½
11.4 4 3 19 3
11.7 4⅝ 19½
12.1 5 4 20 4
12.7 5 21
13 5⅛ 6 5 22 5
13.3 22½
14 7 6 23 6
14.3 5⅝ 23½
14.6 8 7 24 7
15.2 6 24½
15.6 6⅛ 9 8 25 8
15.9 26
16.5 10 9 27 9
16.8 6⅝ 10½ 27½
17.1 11 10 28 10
17.8 7 11½ 10½ 29 10½
18.1 7⅛ 12 11 30 11
18.4 12½ 11½ 30½ 11½
19.1 13 12 31 12
19.4 7⅝ 13½ 12½ 31½ 12½

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