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Bezdrátový kouřový senzor jiný design na výběr bílý prodáno PC

  • Číslo zboží:24033006453235296
  • Odeslání:7-15 dnů
  • Materiál:
    Strojírenské plasty
  • Design:
    Bezdrátové,jiný design pro výběr
  • Typ:
    Čidlo kouře
  • Barev:
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  • Skladem - k dispozici
  • Hmotnost:200 gram
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      S100A-AA  Three-year batteryS100B-CR  Ten-year battery

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    US$ 11.12/kusMnožství:

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    S100A-AA:Detection type: photoelectric smoke sensing fire alarm (anti-false alarm)
    Alarm volume: ≥85dB(3 meters in front)
    Alarm mode: sound and light alarm at the same time
    Working current: static ≤10µA, alarm current: ≤120mA
    Button: Test and mute button
    Indicator light: can indicate the different working states of the detector
    Supports low voltage/fault detection
    Material: ABS
    Battery: Shuanglu Alkaline AA*2 batteries
    Standby time: 3 years
    Missing battery protection: The smoke alarm cannot be installed without battery loading
    Operating environment: Temperature: -10℃ -55 ℃; Relative humidity: ≤95%
    Implementation standard: EN14604
    Smoke concentration: ≥0.45db/m to generate alarm

    S100B-CR:Detection type: photoelectric smoke sensing fire alarm (anti-false alarm)
    Alarm volume: ≥85dB(3 meters in front)
    Alarm mode: sound and light alarm at the same time
    Working current: static ≤10µA, alarm current: ≤120mA
    Button: Test and mute button
    Indicator light: can indicate the different working states of the detector
    Supports low voltage/fault detection
    Material: ABS
    Battery: Huidre CR123A 3V 10 years lithium battery, no need to replace the battery during the life cycle
    Standby time: 10 years
    Operating environment: Temperature: -10℃ -55 ℃; Relative humidity: ≤95%
    Implementation standard: EN14604
    Smoke concentration: ≥0.45db/m to generate alarm

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